My two escorts introduced me to the others as one of my escorts sisters who was named Louise. They had not met the real Louise but they knew she was tall from prior conversations.
I no sooner was introduced when out onto the dance floor I was swept by one of the biggest ladies-men I have known. You know the type. Casually he lead me outside to a dark secluded spot. Finding a place to sit we had a cigarette while I had to listen to lovers escapades. Boring! I don't know how others put up with him.
Just as I was about to put my cigarette out the ultimate happened. Loverboy took a pass at me and planted one big kiss squarely on my lips. My kisses given to Billy during the show were purely acting but this was too much. Panicsville! What could I do. Standing and walking to the edge of the porch I led him on. Just as he was about to get more personal, one shove and our Loverboy was treading water.
Needless to say this brought a crowd and they all laughed at the poor boy's plight.
A girl to whom I was introduced gave me her lipstick and powder to make necessary repairs in the ladies room since I didn't have any with me. After a hamburger and soda and a few more dances the three of us made our exit and returned to camp.
The second show was an anti-climax after the above mentioned events.
Since this experience I have always had the desire to wear feminine clothes. No one knows of this desire and after work each day I enter my apartment and Louise takes over. She performs all the duties a girl should do, cooking, cleaning, making beds, etc. To the outside world I am the epitomy of the young executive. Today I am 40 pounds heavier and consider myself as a person who is "All dressed up with no place to go".
I know a guy who's been wearing a girdle for three months - ever since his wife found it in the glove compartment of his car.